Nickel Carnival Jungle Adventures Set for July 19!

July 19 2024

Wouldn’t it be great if games cost only a nickel? Well for one day they do!

The annual Nickel Carnival returns on Friday, July 19 for 3 – 12 years with adult. Kids can try their hand at carnival games with prizes to be won and oodles of fun to be had, visit our face-painters to have their face transformed, or take a treat trot on the wild side.

To add to the excitement Nickel Carnival is in a brand-new location this year! It will be at the Native
Sons Hall upper level instead of the Lewis Centre, running from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Admission is $3.00,
with $2.00 returned in carnival tickets. There’s no need to bring nickels with you, as your admission will
pay for a punch card to play games.

This year’s theme is the jungle adventures and will include various props and games like snake tossing
and croc putt! Parents and caregivers of kids in adapted programs are welcome to come early, at 12:30 pm, so that
the kids have more time at each carnival game.

For more information call Courtenay Recreation Lewis Centre at 250 338-5371 or Filberg Centre at 250-
338-1000 or visit