Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association (DCBIA)
The Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Association (DCBIA) was formed on October 18, 1995. The purpose of the DCBIA is to provide leadership in the business community to ensure that the Downtown Courtenay Business Improvement Area continues to be vibrant and responsive, meeting the needs of its members and the public and remaining on the leading edge of change.
Today the DCBIA boasts more than 240 members, including retail and professional services, restaurants and cafes, property owners, arts and cultural venues and more.
A volunteer Board of Directors, together with a part time Executive Director and DCBIA members, work tirelessly on developing internal and external marketing strategies to attract people to the downtown core.
- #203 - 580 Duncan Ave, Courtenay
- 250-800-9497
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- [email protected]